Headache Puzzle

The Headache Puzzle started simply as a list of the headache triggers we experience in our daily lives. I broke the list up into two categories that included the triggers we have control over and those we do not.  As a former chronic headache sufferer myself, it was empowering to realize that half of the triggers are within our control and can be overcome with the right approach.

So the Headache Puzzle (below) was born. It may be simplistic, but it makes a big statement to those people who have lost all hope of having a pain free life. The puzzle is meant to help us think about life events and determine if what we are feeling is within our control or not.


During our phone consultations, we will focus heavily on the things you have control over found above in the Headache Puzzle. I will work with you to develop a diet, exercise and relaxation plan personalized for you. More importantly, we will get to the root of any potentially unhealthy ways you are reacting to life events that are leading to your chronic headaches.